Latest Small Mobile Hollow Block Machine Supplier

Latest Small Mobile Hollow Block Machine Supplier

What is a small mobile hollow block machine?

Small mobile hollow block machine is a substitute for large automatic block-making machines, precisely tailored to the requirements of small-scale block-making businesses and individual construction projects that rely on in-house customized blocks. These machines are portable and cater to small production requirements. If your business production requirements are not in bulk, then there is no point in investing millions of dollars in a large block-making machine that is fixed in a single place and cannot be readjusted. Even large organizations go for bulk purchases of small mobile block-making machines instead of large automatic fixed machinery because that is less risky if they want to change them later.

If you are initiating your block-making business from scratch, then a small portable hollow block machine is your best choice. They are perfectly suited in terms of affordability, efficiency, and productive accuracy. These devices are portable and take not more than 200sq to 300sq and can be easily moved anywhere on site as they have wheels like that of a grocery trolley.

How Does A Small Mobile Hollow Block Machine Work?

Small mobile hollow block machines come in both automatic and manual compositions. The machine’s working is a lot similar to how sizeable heavy block machines work, except for a few aspects. But they cater to small quantities as their production capacity is limited to only a batch of 4-6 blocks in one go. The portable block-making machine cannot manufacture blocks without human supervision. Every device would require 1-2 workers to carry out the block-making process. They provide an easy and seamless process to produce accurate bricks, blocks and pavers. Here is a quick guide to the process of block manufacturing with a small mobile hollow block-making machine.

The process, as usual, starts with preparing the mortar mixture (the right combination of cement, sand and water), which greatly contributes to the quality of your finished block. Make sure to keep the ratio of the sand and cement as 3/4 to 1/4, respectively. A Portable block-making machine doesn’t have a separate mixing system like that of a heavy automatic machine, nor does the conveyer belt transport mixture to the hydraulic system. You have to prepare the Mortar mixture separately and manually fill it in the block frame shapes available in the block mould system.

While filling the mixture into the mould vibration plate begins to shake it and remove the unnecessary air, and the particle of sand and cement fit in perfectly. Then turn on the hydraulic system motor to press the mixture, which results in perfectly shaped, compact blocks. Automatic small portable machines have an electric hydraulic system. On the other hand, in manual machines, a handle is attached to the mould system, and the workman has to input strength to press the mixture into the mould.

Latest Small Mobile Hollow Block Machine Supplier-Block Machine & Block Making Machine - RAYTONE

Why Small Mobile Hollow Machine is the Best Choice for You?


The portability of small mobile hollow machines makes them highly convenient to use. One of the biggest risk factors associated with heavy block-making machines is that they are immovable and fixated on flour. Small mobile hollow block-making machines rule out that possibility because their lightweight and compact structure takes less space to process. These are easily handled during transportation and can be set up anywhere you need them, which makes them more effective in supporting individual construction projects. Unlike heavy machines, they can be easily relocated from one place to another and exchanged if the machine is not according to specification. For Small business enterprises, a small mobile block-making machine is an efficient asset that can positively impact their overall productivity.

Cost effective solution

Undoubtedly, automatic heavy block-making machines can produce incredible results, but massive funds make them a difficult choice for small and medium enterprises. Therefore, before making a buying decision, you have to carefully make a cost-benefit analysis. A small mobile block-making machine will be your best cost-effective solution in that regard- Affordable, compact, effective and easily handled. They consume less energy, and worker does not need a special training to work upon them.

Perfect for onsite construction projects

Onsite Construction projects can easily fulfil their in-house block demands by simply taking these portable block-making machines with them where they want. The quality of brick ensures the strength of the whole architecture. Therefore, many architectural engineers go for in-house block-making for the project. This allows them to control quality while saving time by taking delivery of blocks from far-flung facilities. These portable devices are a perfect fit for the project’s production needs since they offer versatility in shapes, sizes, and use of raw materials. These machines are equally compatible with cement, fly ash, slag and cinder.

The Production Capacity of A Small Mobile Hollow Block Machine

The production capacity of small mobile hollow block machines may vary as per the model you purchase. You can have a mini block machine that would have a more compact structure, and its moulding structure only produces 2 blocks at a time. Likewise, other machines would 3-6 blocks making in one go. These machines have hourly productivity of 200+ blocks with 2000+ blocks a day. If you are looking for movable block machines with greater production capacity, then Raytone Machinery is the just right solution for you. Their movable block machines can produce 26 blocks at a time with a standard capacity of 12000pcs/8h. In addition to that, these provide options for customized blocks. You can alter their shapes and size per your requirements and use different raw materials for the mortar mixture.

Latest Small Mobile Hollow Block Machine models and Suppliers

Some of the best model of block making machines are listed below along with their brand information. Click on the links to learn the details about each.

Key Features to Consider When Choosing A Small Mobile Hollow Block Machine

If you are planning to purchase a mobile hollow block machine, you have to prioritise your business requirement and choose one accordingly. Every machine is good for a particular purpose, so you have to decide which one goes well with your objective. In addition to that, these features reflect your precise requirement with your ideal machine. Let’s learn:

Energy requirement

One of the reasons why people go for small mobile compact machines is they consume less energy. Still, the exact requirement of energy consumption of machines varies depending on which model and which brand you purchase. On average, a good automatic Small Mobile Hollow Block Machine takes 1.3kw of power. If you are buying a block machine that takes more energy than this figure, it’s better to reconsider your idea until the machine has a unique feature, benefit or characteristic.

Handling or maintenance cost:

Try to opt for a machine that has low handling costs such as no frequent maintenance requirement and Minimum labour and other overhead cost. These costs directly impact your operational costs as they contribute a decent share to operational expenses. Frequent replacement of parts and machine serving do affect overall productivity and also the down time of the machine as well.

Production capacity

The production capacity of each machine is different. You can find a mobile machine with 10000pc/8hour ability as well as 2000 pc/8 hour. There are various sub-types within mobile block-making machines; all cater to different requirements of different businesses. You have to consider your expected production requirements and then purchase a model.

Level of automation

Consider the level of automatic that will aid your process to be fast and effective. Organizations choose fully automated machines to ensure the highest level of productivity. Although, these movable machines are also available in automatic, semi-automatic or manual compositions.

Average lifespan

A machine should work for almost the next ten years after its purchase. It’s better to go with the models that have prolonged lifespans. It’s a heavy investment and you can only repurchase them sometimes.


The blog is a quick guide into best latest mobile block making machines. These machines are highly efficient as well affordable option to automatize your block manufacturing process. These machines are capable of building various types of cement blocks, brick, porous or pavers. You can have all your requirement fulfilled by just a single mobile block making machine.