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QT4-35 Manual Bata Nyieun Mesin
QT4-35 Manual Bata Nyieun Mesin
1.QT4-35 Mesin Ngadamel Bata Manual Umumna Pedaran
Based on simple design concept, this QT4-35 mesin bata manual has simple machine structure but with raw materials hopper, so it can save labor cost and improve the productivity efficiency.
QT4-35 mesin bata manual can make various size hollow block, paver bricks, curbstones etc from the raw materials of cement, sands, crushed stones or stone powder etc.
QT4-35 mesin bata manual is also name QT40-1 mesin blok manual, molds block na téh sadayana ngaropéa sakumaha per sarat klien;
QT4-35 mesin bata manual produktivitas nyaéta 2560-3290 potongan 8 inci blok kerung per poé;
QT4-35 manual brick machine price nyaeta ti 5000 USD ka 15000 USD sakumaha per kuantitas kapang blok tambahan;
2.QT4-35 Mesin Bata Manual Syarat Produksi:
Inpo di handap ieu nyandak 8 inci blok kerung contona pikeun rujukan klien, data produksi bisa jadi saeutik béda saperti per blok béda atawa bata ngahasilkeun.
lega lahan | Méter 200 Square | Konsumsi cai | 1.8 T / dinten |
Daérah bengkel | Méter 40 Square | Tegangan & Frékuénsi Listrik | 220V/380V/415V;50HZ/60HZ |
Kuantitas Buruh | pagawe 3 | Konsumsi kakuatan | 18.7KW * 8 Jam = 149.6 KWH; |
Konsumsi Semén | 5.35 Ton per poé | Konsumsi keusik | 21.7 ton sadinten |
Konsumsi batu ditumbuk | 27 ton sadinten |
3. Each single machines detailed introduction for QT4-35 mesin bata manual
(1) JQ350 mixer beton pikeun QT4-35 mesin bata manual
function: to mix the raw material of sand, loosen stones, cement, etc
Item: JQ350 Mixer
Kakuatan: 7.5kw
Feeding capacity: 560L
kapasitas ngurangan: 350L
Overall dimension (mm):1500*1200*1200
There are two models of concrete pan mixer now, the first one is using the electric reducer model, the reducer is used since the pan mixer comes out, the reducer need to be maintained after several months use, and reducer can be replaced if it got broken;
Modél kadua ngagunakeun modél kotak gear as treuk pungkur. Modél ieu henteu kedah dipertahankeun, umurna panjang pisan, saatos minyak dieusi, éta tiasa dianggo salamina. Tapi sakali réduksi as treuk rusak, éta henteu tiasa dibenerkeun, tapi kasempetan rusakna leutik pisan.
Also for the concrete mixers, its inner side can add one piece of round steel plate to make it long life, and can also add the anti-wear bushes to protect the mixer.
(2) 6 Méter Beubeur Conveying Mesin pikeun QT4-35 mesin nyieun bata manual
Panjangna: 6000mm
Lebar sabuk: 400mm
Daya motor: 1.5KW
(3) Host mesin bata manual
(1) | Diménsi mesin host | 1800 * 1500 * 2500mm | (6) | buruh | pagawe 4 |
(2) | Beurat mesin host | 1.5T | (7) | Voltaseu | ngaropéa |
(3) | Mangrupikeun waktos | 35-45 | (8) | Toal kakuatan mesin anu diperyogikeun | 23.15KW |
(4) | ukuran palét | 850 * 550 * 20mm | (9) | Kapasitas Diesel Genset | 30KVA |
(5) | Kakuatan Geter | 50KN | (10) | aréa bengkel | 200 m2 |
RAYTONE host QT4-35 mesin bata manual also equip with the function of Electrical Push-pulling for the top mould by add an electric motor.
The QT4-35 mesin blok blok manual ngagunakeun kotak geter tibatan motor vibrator, ieu mangrupikeun bédana ageung sareng QT4-40 mesin blok manual.
pikeun panel listrik, RAYTONE pabrik mesin bata manual ngagunakeun tombol kualitas alus, bagian listrik kualitas alus.
(4) Manual Blok Trolley pikeun QT4-35 mesin blok manual
Function:The trolley is used to transport the blocks on pallet to curing area.Two trolleys are equipped for each machine;
RAYTONE pabrik mesin blok ngagunakeun roda kualitas luhur pikeun trolley block.
(5) Dirobih garis mesin blok
The QT4-35 mesin blok manual ogé bisa dirarancang pikeun jadi kalawan blok conveying kaluar platform, sarta dilengkepan mesin stacking kawas poto di handap ieu:
4. Daily block productivity for QT4-35 mesin nyieun bata manual
Kapasitas produksi teoritis | ||||||
Ukuran (L x W x H) (mm) | Photo | Mangsa Ngabentuk (S) | Pcs / kapang | Pcs / Jam | Pcs / 8 jam | |
(1) | blok kerung 400 * 250 * 200 |
35-45 | 3 | 240-308 | 1920-2468 |
(2) | blok kerung 400 * 200 * 200 |
35-45 | 4 | 320-410 | 2560-3290 |
(3) | blok kerung 400 * 150 * 200 |
35-45 | 5 | 400-514 | 3200-4114 |
(4) | blok kerung 400 * 100 * 200 |
35-45 | 7 | 560-720 | 4480-5760 |
(5) | Bata padet 240 * 50 * 115 |
35-45 | 18 | 1440-1848 | 11520-14784 |
(6) | Bata porous 240 * 115 * 90 |
35-45 | 9 | 720-924 | 5760-7392 |
(7) | Curbstone 500 * 200 * 300 |
35-45 | 1 | 80-102 | 640-816 |
(8) | “Kuring” ngawangun bata paver tanpa warna 200 * 163 * 60 |
35-45 | 6 | 480-616 | 3840-4928 |
(9) | “S” Bentuk Paver bata tanpa warna 225 * 112.5 * 60 |
35-45 | 9 | 720-924 | 5760-7392 |
(10) | Holland Bata tanpa warna 200 * 100 * 60 |
35-45 | 9 | 720-924 | 5760-7392 |
(11) | Square Paver without color 250*250*60 |
35-45 | 3 | 240-308 | 1920-2468 |
5. Patalina Video Gawé pikeun QT4-35 mesin nyieun bata manual
6.Blok dihasilkeun pikeun QT4-35 mesin nyieun bata manual
7. Daptar bungkusan pikeun QT4-35 mesin bata manual
1 | JQ350 Pan mixer | 1 set | 5 | Trolleys manual | 2 susunan |
2 | 6M sabuk conveying mesin | 1 set | 6 | GMT bata Usuk | buah 600 |
3 | QT4-35 Mesin bata host | 1 set | 7 | Suku cadang | 1 set |
4 | Panel kontrol PLC listrik | 1 set | 8 | Bébas kapang blok kerung | 1 set |
8.GMT bata Usuk pikeun QT4-35 mesin blok manual
RAYTONE GMT bata Usuk is containing of high content of high quality glass fiber, its life can reach 8 years.
nu GMT bata Usuk page link is as follow, please check for reference.
9. FAQ
(1) What is Packing method ?
Pikeun loading wadahna, ilaharna éta bungkusan buligir, éta aman dina wadahna;
If by LCL, we an pack the block machine into wooden case or steel box, but need extra cost;
(2) Sabaraha pagawe anu diperlukeun pikeun QT4-35 mesin blok manual?
nu blok mesin need 4-5 workers, one operates the mixer and feeds material, one operates the host machine, and two workers transport the blocks. The office, curing area, stacking area are arranged according to your specific conditions.
(3)What’s motor and electric brand we choose for our machine?
RAYTONE pabrik mesin blok normally supply the China famous brand motors like HUAXING or SHANBO brand copper electric motors, not using any aluminium motors.
Some buyer can also choose Siemens brand motors, also need extra cost.
(4) Jenis baja naon anu dianggo ku mesin sareng cetakan?
RAYTONE pabrik mesin blok ngagunakeun Q235B pikeun blok mesin, Manganese steel for molds. The mould is More durable.
(5) Dupi anjeun ngirim insinyur masang pikeun pamaké?
Leres, kami gaduh tim jasa teknisi. Aranjeunna baris nyadiakeun layanan sakumaha per kabutuhan.
(6) Naha aya suku cadang sareng mesin?
Leres, kami bakal ngintunkeun bagéan cadang sareng mesin, pangguna tiasa nganggo langkung ti dua taun.
(7) Naha anjeun nyayogikeun jasa téknis gratis salami produksi engké?
Leres, kami ngagaduhan jasa téknis online dina 24 jam.
(8) Naon garansi pikeun mesin?
For the machine,we have 1 years warranty(except the wearing part ).
10. jasa parusahaan RAYTONE
During production service:
(1) Ngamutahirkeun jadwal produksi dina waktosna.
(2) Pengawasan kualitas salami prosés produksi sadayana.
(3) Commissioning and debugging before delivery.
(4) Production acceptance. Customer can come to our factory for product inspection
(5) Nguji mesin block video digawé saméméh pangiriman.
(6) Shipping on time. We guarantee the delivery time on time unless special cases.
Sanggeus-diobral Service
(7) Warranty period: 1year after acceptance. During this period, we offer you free spare parts if they are broken.
(8) Ngalatih staf klien urang kumaha carana install sarta ngagunakeun mesin.
(9) Insinyur sadia pikeun layanan luar negeri.
(10) Pangrojong kaahlian dina sakabéh ngagunakeun kahirupan.
11. model sejen tina QT4-40 mesin blok manual pikeun rujukan
Please contact RAYTONE block machine factory without hesitate if you have the plan to start block factory. RAYTONE will provide you the suitable brick plant solution.