QT4-28 Mesin Nggawe Blok Kothong

QT4-28 Mesin Pembuat Blok Berongga; ONE TOMBOL BLOCK mbentuk MESIN.

1. QT4-28 Mesin Pembuat Blok Berongga Deskripsi Umum:

QT4-28 Mesin Pembuat Blok Berongga wis apik saka Mesin Blok Manual QT4-40  . the difference is there is a hopper on the block making machine, so the QT4-28 mesin nggawe blok kothong can be matched with a belt conveying machine to conveying raw materials into the block machine hopper; another improvement is adding the raw materials distributing device to improve the working  efficiency. so the Mesin nggawe blok QT4-28 size is bigger and can save one labor than QT4-40 Manual Block Machine.

The Mesin nggawe blok QT4-28 kontrol PLC meh lengkap otomatis (mung kudu mencet tombol siji, pamblokiran bakal kawangun ), so its operation is easy but output is big. So this this QT4-28 hollow block machine is also called ONE TOMBOL BLOCK mbentuk MESIN.

QT4-28 Mesin Pembuat Blok Berongga uga kedher liwat motor geter kaya mesin blok manual liyane.

QT4-28 Mesin Pembuat Blok Berongga sawetara rega baris saka 7900USD kanggo 12000 USD.

QT4-28 Mesin Pembuat Blok Berongga produktivitas saben dina punika 4114 bêsik 8 pamblokiran kothong inch.

QT4-28 Mesin Nggawe Blok Kothong-Block Machine & Block Making Machine - RAYTONE

Mesin pemblokiran QT4-28

2. Requirements dhasar kanggo wiwitan QT4-28 Mesin Pembuat Blok Berongga; ONE BUTTON BLOCK mbentuk MESIN;

dharatan 300 Meter kothak Konsumsi Water 2.4 T / dina
Area lokakarya 30 Meter kothak Tegangan & Frekuensi Listrik 220V/380V/415V;50HZ/60HZ
Jumlah Tenaga Kerja 3 buruh Konsumsi Daya 26.5 KW*8 Hours=212 KWH;
Konsumsi Semen 7.05 Ton saben dina Konsumsi pasir 28.5 ton saben dina
Konsumsi watu pecah 35.55 ton saben dina

QT4-28 Mesin Nggawe Blok Kothong-Block Machine & Block Making Machine - RAYTONE

3. Saben mesin kanggo QT4-28 Mesin Nggawe Blok Kothong baris; ONE TOMBOL BLOCK mbentuk MESIN

(1) JQ500 concrete mixer for QT4-28 Mesin Nggawe Blok Kothong

Kapasitas Panganan 750L Kapasitas Discharging 500L
Ambane 0.5m Motor Power 11kw
sakabèhé Size 1500L * 1500W * 1350H (mm) diameter 1500mm
Reducer 350 reducer/truk poros mburi gear bobot 800kg

QT4-28 Mesin Nggawe Blok Kothong-Block Machine & Block Making Machine - RAYTONE

(2) 6 Meter dawa sabuk ngaturaken mesin

Tenaga motor: 1.5KW

Length: 6 Meter

Jembar: 400mm

QT4-28 Mesin Nggawe Blok Kothong-Block Machine & Block Making Machine - RAYTONE

(3) QT4-28 Mesin nggawe blok host; ONE TOMBOL BLOCK mbentuk MESIN

QT4-28 yaiku mesin blok manual tanpa getaran mekanik.

Wis 2 set motor geter ngisor 3 KW, motor geter ndhuwur 1 set 2.2 KW,

Bahan baku distribusi motor 2.2 KW

Top cetakan tiba mudhun motor: 1.1KW

Blok motor angkat cetakan: 3.0 KW

cetakan push-narik kanthi listrik. materi dosing ing wektu, gampang dilakokno, produksi biasa nggunakake 3 buruh, siji mixer kontrol buruh, siji operate mesin inang, loro tanggung jawab kanggo transportasi kawangun pamblokiran.

(1) Ukuran mesin inang 2600 * 2000 * 2000mm (6) pegaweyan 4 buruh
(2) Bobot mesin inang 3.2T (7) Voltase selaras
(3) Periode moulding 25-28 (8) Total daya mesin dibutuhake 26.5 KW
(4) ukuran palet 850 * 550 * 20mm (9) Kapasitas Generator Diesel 30KVA
(5) Kekuwatan geter 50KN (10) wilayah bengkel 200 m2

QT4-28 Mesin Nggawe Blok Kothong-Block Machine & Block Making Machine - RAYTONE

(4) Troli blok manual

Digunakake kanggo ngeterake blok rampung menyang area curing.

QT4-28 Mesin Nggawe Blok Kothong-Block Machine & Block Making Machine - RAYTONE

(5) GMT Brick pallets

Pallet bata GMT digunakake kanggo nahan blok sing wis rampung. Urip palet bata RAYTONE GMT bisa nganti 8 nganti 10 taun.

QT4-28 Mesin Nggawe Blok Kothong-Block Machine & Block Making Machine - RAYTONE

QT4-28 Mesin Nggawe Blok Kothong-Block Machine & Block Making Machine - RAYTONE

4. Produktivitas saben dina QT4-28 Mesin Pembuat Blok Berongga

QT4-28 Block Machine Kapasitas produksi teoritis
Ukuran (L * W * H) (mm) Photo Periode Pembentukan (S) Pcs / Cetakan Pcs / Jam Pcs / 8 jam
(1) pamblokiran kothong 400*250*200

QT4-28 Mesin Nggawe Blok Kothong-Block Machine & Block Making Machine - RAYTONE

28 3 386 3086
(2) pamblokiran kothong 400*200*200

QT4-28 Mesin Nggawe Blok Kothong-Block Machine & Block Making Machine - RAYTONE

28 4 514 4114
(3) pamblokiran kothong 400*150*200

QT4-28 Mesin Nggawe Blok Kothong-Block Machine & Block Making Machine - RAYTONE

28 4 514 4114
(4) pamblokiran kothong 400*100*200

QT4-28 Mesin Nggawe Blok Kothong-Block Machine & Block Making Machine - RAYTONE

28 7 900 7200
(5) Bata Padat 240*50*115

QT4-28 Mesin Nggawe Blok Kothong-Block Machine & Block Making Machine - RAYTONE

28 18 2314 18514
(6) Brick keropos 240 * 115 * 90

QT4-28 Mesin Nggawe Blok Kothong-Block Machine & Block Making Machine - RAYTONE

28 9 1157 9257
(7) Curbstone 500*200*300

QT4-28 Mesin Nggawe Blok Kothong-Block Machine & Block Making Machine - RAYTONE

28 1 129 1029
(8) “I” wangun bata paver tanpa werna 200*163*60

QT4-28 Mesin Nggawe Blok Kothong-Block Machine & Block Making Machine - RAYTONE

28 6 771 6171
(9) “S” Shape Paver Brick tanpa werna 225 * 112.5 * 60

QT4-28 Mesin Nggawe Blok Kothong-Block Machine & Block Making Machine - RAYTONE

28 9 1157 9257
(10) Holland Brick tanpa werna 200*100*60

QT4-28 Mesin Nggawe Blok Kothong-Block Machine & Block Making Machine - RAYTONE

28 9 1157 9257
(11) Square Paver karo werna 250*250*60

QT4-28 Mesin Nggawe Blok Kothong-Block Machine & Block Making Machine - RAYTONE

28 3 386 3086

5. Video kerja QT4-28 Mesin Pembuat Blok Berongga

6. Various Blok lan bata digawe saka QT4-28 Mesin Pembuat Blok Berongga

QT4-28 Mesin Nggawe Blok Kothong-Block Machine & Block Making Machine - RAYTONE

QT4-28 Mesin Nggawe Blok Kothong-Block Machine & Block Making Machine - RAYTONE

QT4-28 Mesin Nggawe Blok Kothong-Block Machine & Block Making Machine - RAYTONE

7. FAQ

(1) Bisa QT4-28 kothong mesin nggawe blok nggawe liyane jinis paver bricks, interlocking bata?

Ya, mesin pemblokiran QT4-28 iki uga bisa nggawe macem-macem wujud lan macem-macem ukuran blok bata ing cetakan blok sing beda.

(2) Apa bahan mentah lan rumus kanggo nggawe blok beton kanthi mesin nggawe blok berongga QT4-28,

The raw materials are cement ,concrete ,sand ,fly ash ,construction waste, gangue batu bara, slag, glepung gunung.

Rumus bahan baku yaiku semen 8%-10% pasir 30%-40% watu: 50%-60%, babagan semen : pasir : watu is1:4:5.

(3) Apa bobot normal hollow block?

Kanggo bobot blok kothong: 8 inci (400 * 200 * 200) blok yaiku 17KG, blok 6 inci (400 * 150 * 200) yaiku 13.5KG, blok 4 inci (400 * 100 * 200) yaiku 10KG.

QT4-28 Mesin Nggawe Blok Kothong-Block Machine & Block Making Machine - RAYTONE

8. QT4-28 mesin nggawe blok kothong kaluwihan:

(1) Easy installation and operation
Mesin nggawe blok kothong QT4-28 mung kudu nyiyapake mesin conveying sabuk, lan nyambungake karo sumber daya, banjur bisa miwiti operasi.

(2) Investasi kurang,

RAYTONE QT4-28 hollow block making machine price are competitive, and its price is much better than simple automatic QT4-25 block machine and QT4-18 Block Nggawe Machine

(3) Desain prasaja
The QT4-28 hollow block making machine is a simple structure,three is no pallet feeding device and block conveying out section, they pallet feeding is by hand, and finished blocks are take out by manual trolley.

(4) QTJ4-28 Mesin nggawe bata semi-otomatis dirancang khusus kanggo proyek blok ukuran medium. Iku bahan otomatis dipakani, distribusi, bata mbentuk. Mesin blok model iki ekonomis banget, populer ing negara berkembang.

QT4-28 Mesin Nggawe Blok Kothong-Block Machine & Block Making Machine - RAYTONE

9. Layanan Perusahaan mesin blok RAYTONE

① Pabrik bata beton profesional dibangun solusi

② Pengawasan kualitas mesin nggawe Blok berongga sajrone produksi

③ Hollow Block making machine testing service before delivery.

④ Hollow Block nggawe layanan kunjungan manufaktur mesin.

⑤ Pengaturan pengiriman mesin Hollow Block

⑥ Pandhuan klien kanggo ngoperasikake mesin nggawe blok Hollow

⑦ Insinyur kanggo nindakake instalasi luar negeri kanggo mesin nggawe blok Hollow


QT4-28 Mesin Nggawe Blok Kothong-Block Machine & Block Making Machine - RAYTONE


Aja ragu-ragu hubungi pabrik mesin blok RAYTONE kanggo layanan sing apik