- 14
- Oct
All Concrete Block Making Machine and Clay Brick Machine Models from China Raytone
Linyi Raytone Machinery minangka pabrikan mesin nggawe bata lan blok, dumunung ing kutha Linyi, provinsi Shandong, China. Produsen mesin blok Raytone wis pengalaman 20 taun kanggo nggawe mesin blok, kabeh mesin blok digawe ing sistem kontrol kualitas sing ketat, kita ngasilake macem-macem mesin blok sing beda-beda: bata otomatis lan mesin nggawe blok, bata otomatis lan mesin nggawe blok. , mesin bata semi-otomatis lan mesin blok, mesin blok manual lan seluler, uga mesin nggawe bata lempung.
The following is Raytone block machine series with model No.:
1. Seri Mesin Blok Otomatis:
Large Automatic Block Machine: QT12-15, QT10-15, QT8-15
Middle Automatic Block Machine QT6-15, QT5-15, QT4-15
Simple Automatic Block Machine QT4-18, QT4-25
2.Semi-Automatic Block Machine: QT4-24, QT4-28
3.Manual Block Machine: QT4-40, QT4-35, QT-120 Pipe machine
4. Mobile Block Machine:
QTM12-15, QTM10-15, QTM6-25,QTM4-40 QTM4-45,QTM2-45, Diesel QMY4-45
5.Automatic Clay Brick Machine: QT10-10, QT7-10, QT4-10, QT2-10
6.Manual Clay brick Machine: QTS2-25, QTS2-40, M7MI, M7MI TWIN
1. Seri Mesin Blok Otomatis:
QT12-15 Automatic Hydraulic Block Making Machine |
QT12-15 minangka mesin bata lan blok kanthi otomatis statis kanthi sistem transmisi hidrolik. Iki dicocogake karo, silo Semen, 3 bin PLD1200 mesin batching beton, 750 liter mixer beton, udan blok mesin numpuk; uga feeder pallet bata otomatis lan blok cuber bisa ditawakake. Mesin nggawe blok sing kuwat lan dibangun kanthi apik yaiku operasi hidrolik, getaran motor listrik loro utawa papat, kanggo njamin kompaksi paling apik kanggo ngasilake bata lan blok sing berkualitas. |
Foto: | specifications: |
1.Mould Changeable, Hollow block mould, Solid brick mould, Color Paver brick mould, Curbstone,etc |
2. Capacity per 8 hours:
a. 8 Kapasitas Blok inch: 23040 bêsik; b. 240*115*50mm solid bricks: 124800 pieces; |
4. Machine Line Price Range:51400-91200USD | |
5. Area Pabrik: 2500-6500 m2; Nomer Buruh:4-5; | |
QT10-15 Mesin Nggawe Brick Hydraulic Otomatis |
QT10-15 brick machine moulds are easily inter-changeable, allowing a wide production range of different block and bricks; The block machine can be optionally equipped with color feeder to make face mix bricks; Wis kacepetan dhuwur saka terjemahan munggah lan mudhun obahe mesin; The brick and block making machine is a reliable, durable and very easy to operate and maintain machine. |
Foto: | specifications: |
1. Mould Changeable, Hollow, Solid, Paver Warna, Curbstone, lsp |
2. Capacity per 8 hours:
a. 8 Kapasitas Blok inch: 19200 bêsik; b. 240*115*50mm solid bricks: 99840 pieces; |
3.Brick pallet size: 1100*900*35mm | |
4. Machine Line Price Range:49400-82000USD | |
5.Factory Area: 2500-6500 m2; Workers Number:4-5; | |
QT8-15 Otomatis Hydraulic Concrete Block Nggawe Machine |
QT8-15 Concrete block machine is also a big size machine, its PLC control panel has Siemens brand as optional, the internal electric parts are world famous brand like Germany Schneider breaker, Japan Omron Senors, China CHNT switches, China Vicruns Frequency converter, Taiwan Clyca brand electromagnetic valves etc. Also for electric motors with Siemens brand optional, Mesin teka standar karo siji maxi, kothong utawa stock pemblokiran jamur. Cetakan pamblokiran tambahan ana ing biaya tambahan. QT8-15 is a high output block machine, with a great value for money. |
Foto: | specifications: |
1. Mould Changeable, Hollow, Solid, Paver Warna, Curbstone, lsp |
2. Capacity per 8 hours:
a. 8 Kapasitas Blok inch: 15360 bêsik; b. 240*115*50mm solid bricks: 80640 pieces; |
3.Brick pallet size: 960*850*30mm | |
4. Machine Line Price Range:45400-70800USD | |
5.Factory Area: 2500-6500 m2; Workers Number:4-5; | |
QT6-15 Mesin Nggawe Brick Semen Otomatis |
QT6-15 minangka model mesin pemblokiran beton otomatis ukuran tengah, dilengkapi mesin batching 2 utawa 3 bin, 500 liter mixer beton poros kembar, mesin tumpukan blok basah otomatis; feeder pallet bata otomatis lan feeder werna pasuryan bata bisa ditawakake minangka opsional. QT6-15 uga nggunakake kontrol Layar Tutul User Friendly ing panel PLC. QT6-15 block machine is well-constructed, have a stable vibration for high output brick that are ASBS compliant. |
Foto: | specifications: |
1. Mould Changeable, Hollow, Solid, Paver Warna, Curbstone, lsp |
2. Capacity per 8 hours:
a. 8 Kapasitas Blok inch: 11520 bêsik; b. 240*115*50mm solid bricks: 63360 pieces; |
3.Brick pallet size: 960*700*30mm | |
4. full Machine Line Price Range:32600-53400USD | |
5.Factory Area: 1200-2500 m2; Workers Number:4-5; | |
QT5-15 Automatic Curbstone Block Making Machine |
QT5-15 minangka mesin pemblokiran sing darmabakti kanggo tujuan pemblokiran curb sing dawa, amarga palet kasebut dawane 1150mm, bisa nggawe curbstone maksimal 1100mm. Getaran motor listrik frekuensi dhuwur njamin kompaksi optimal kanggo pamblokiran, 15 detik siklus wektu kanggo pamblokiran mbentuk menehi output maksimum kanggo MediaWiki maksimum. Mesin Blok QT5-15 nduweni teknologi geter canggih. |
Foto: | specifications: |
1. Mould Changeable, Hollow, Solid, Paver Warna, Curbstone, lsp |
2. Capacity per 8 hours:
a. 8 Kapasitas Blok inch: 9600 bêsik; b. 240*115*50mm solid bricks: 6144 pieces; |
3.Brick pallet size: 1150*550*30mm | |
4. full Machine Line Price Range:31600-51200USD | |
5.Factory Area: 1200-2500 m2; Workers Number:4-5; | |
QT4-15 Automatic Concrete Block Making Machine |
QT4-15 is a very popular automatic block machine model because of its affordable price. QT4-15 machine frame is made of high strength steel and skilled welding, to ensure the stable status for vibration motors vibrating to form blocks. QT4-15 block machine mouds frame is using high hardness 55# manganese steel, tampering head is using 16# manganese steel, after linear cutting, via carburizing and hot treatment, block mould hardness can reach 60 degree, lifespan can reach 10000 times; |
Foto: | specifications: |
1. Mould Changeable, Hollow, Solid, Paver Warna, Curbstone, lsp |
2. Capacity per 8 hours:
a. 8 Kapasitas Blok inch: 7680 bêsik; b. 240*115*50mm solid bricks: 57600 pieces; |
3.Brick pallet size: 960*550*25mm | |
4. full Machine Line Price Range:29100-46200USD | |
5.Factory Area: 1200-2500 m2; Workers Number:4-5; | |
QT4-18 Simple Automatic Block Making Machine |
QT4-18 is a simple hydraulic automatic concrete block making machine line, it is a good selling brick machine model, this machine has a good vibration performance and can equipped with face mix paver bricks, its PLC can be Siemens brand as optional, easy operation, it is one of our fist products; |
Foto: | specifications: |
1. Mould Changeable, Hollow, Solid, Paver Warna, Curbstone, lsp |
2. Capacity per 8 hours:
a. 8 Kapasitas Blok inch: 6400 bêsik; b. 240*115*50mm solid bricks: 41600 pieces; |
3.Brick pallet size: 880*550*25mm | |
4. full Machine Line Price Range:16100-29300USD | |
5.Factory Area: 1200-1500 m2; Workers Number:3-4; | |
QT4-20 Manual Hydraulic Concrete Block Making Machine |
QT4-20 is a manual controlled hydraulic block making machine, its configuration like mixer, host brick machine structure, vibrations , hydraulic systems, stacker machine, etc are all same with QT4-18 automatic block machine, just the operation system is different, QT4-20 is using manual control rods, while QT4-18 is automatic PLC system, because some user prefer manual type; |
Foto: | specifications: |
1. Mould Changeable, Hollow, Solid, Paver Warna, Curbstone, lsp |
2. Capacity per 8 hours:
a. 8 Kapasitas Blok inch: 4320 bêsik; b. 240*115*50mm solid bricks: 37440 pieces; |
3.Brick pallet size: 960*550*25mm | |
4. full Machine Line Price Range:18000-26000USD | |
5.Factory Area: 1200-1500 m2; Workers Number:3-4; | |
QT4-25 Mechanical otomatis Beton Block Nggawe Machine |
QT4-25 is also automatic concrete block machine, but it is mechanical, not hydraulic, it is simpler than QT4-18 machine, but cannot make paver bricks with color because of short of hydraulic system. This is a good brick machine line for small investment, maximum profit for the investment. |
Foto: | specifications: |
1. Mould Changeable, Hollow, Solid, Paver Warna, Curbstone, lsp |
2. Capacity per 8 hours:
a. 8 Kapasitas Blok inch: 7680 bêsik; b. 240*115*50mm solid bricks: 57600 pieces; |
3.Brick pallet size: 880*550*25mm | |
4. full Machine Line Price Range:10000-16000USD | |
5.Factory Area: 1200-1500 m2; Workers Number:3-4; | |
2.Semi-Automatic Block Machine:
QT4-24 Semi Automatic Concrete Block Making Machine |
QT4-24 is a semi automatic concrete block machine, its price is not high, so it is also very good selling because of high profit return for the investment. QT4-24 brick machine is using vibration box under mould frame, vibration motor on press head, blocks are forming evenly and fast; |
Foto: | specifications: |
1. Mould Changeable, Hollow, Solid, Paver Warna, Curbstone, lsp |
2. Capacity per 8 hours:
a. 8 Kapasitas Blok inch: 4428 bêsik; b. 240*115*50mm solid bricks: 28782 pieces; |
3.Brick pallet size: 850*550*22mm | |
4. full Machine Line Price Range:6400-11000USD | |
5. Area Pabrik: 1000-1500 m2; Nomer Buruh:3-4; | |
QT4-28 Semi Automatic Concrete Block Making Machine |
QT4-28 semi automatic block machine is also called one-button start block machine, because of its simple operation. Mesin blok QT4-28 uga bisa nggawe blok sing beda, bata ing cetakan bata sing beda. |
Foto: | specifications: |
1. Mould Changeable, Hollow, Solid, Paver Warna, Curbstone, lsp |
2. Capacity per 8 hours:
a. 8 Kapasitas Blok inch: 4114 bêsik; b. 240*115*50mm solid bricks: 18514 pieces; |
3.Brick pallet size: 850*550*22mm | |
4. full Machine Line Price Range:7500-12000USD | |
5. Factory Area: 1000m2; Workers Number:3-4; | |
3.Manual Block Machine:
QT4-35 Manual Concrete Block Nggawe Machine |
QT4-35 block machine is a manual type, it is developed on the QT4-40 block machine,adding a hopper on the top to make raw materials feeding more convenient. |
Foto: | specifications: |
1. Mould Changeable, Hollow, Solid, Paver Warna, Curbstone, lsp |
2. Capacity per 8 hours:
a. 8 Kapasitas Blok inch: 2560 bêsik; b. 240*115*50mm solid bricks: 11520 pieces; |
3.Brick pallet size: 850*550*22mm | |
4. full Machine Line Price Range:5100-9300USD | |
5. Area Pabrik: 600-1000 m2; Nomer Buruh:3-4; | |
QT4-40 Manual Concrete Block Nggawe Machine |
QT4-40 minangka model mesin blok beton klasik manual, amarga rega sing murah, disambut dening akeh pemula ing industri bisnis bata. There is also QTJ4-40 block machine model, which is using electric switches to operate the machine instead of electric control box; and its press head mould works up and down vertically while QT4-40 press head mould works horizontally by push-pull; |
Foto: | specifications: |
1. Mould Changeable, Hollow, Solid, Paver Warna, Curbstone, lsp |
2. Capacity per 8 hours:
a. 8 Kapasitas Blok inch: 2304 bêsik; b. 240*115*50mm solid bricks: 10368 pieces; |
3.Brick pallet size: 850*550*22mm | |
4. full Machine Line Price Range:3700-8000USD | |
5. Area Pabrik: 600-1000 m2; Nomer Buruh:3-4; | |
QT-120 Manual Concrete Pipe Making Machine |
QT-120 concrete pipe making machine is making the pipes vertically, it can make from 300mm to 1000mm diameter. Easy operation. |
Foto: | specifications: |
1.Mould Changeable, diameteripun saka 300 kanggo 1000mm, joints kosong, Tongue joint, Socket lan Spigot joint, etc |
2. Capacity per 8 hours:
100 pieces per day; |
3. full Machine Line Price Range:3800-5000USD | |
4. Area Pabrik: 600-1000 m2; Nomer Buruh:3-4; | |
4.Mobile Block Machine
QTM12-15 Mobile Concrete Block Making Machine |
QTM12-15 minangka mesin pemblokiran beton seluler ukuran gedhe, bisa nglebokake 12 bêsik 8 blok kothong inch saben gulung, nduweni produktivitas gedhe. Blok Kapadhetan dhuwur, kacepetan mbentuk cepet. Mesin iki ora mbutuhake pallet bata kanggo ndhukung, nanging mbutuhake area lemah konkrit sing gedhe kanggo mbikak blok beton. QTM12-15 uga dirancang kanggo struktur mesin, baja kualitas dhuwur lan teknologi welding tliti ndadekake mesin luwih stabil lan umur dawa; uga kothak geter hydraulic sawijining nduweni pasukan geter kuwat. |
Foto: | specifications: |
1. Mould bisa diganti, berongga, padat |
2. Capacity: 8 inch Block daily Capacity: 21600pcs; | |
3. full Machine Line Price Range:18000-32000USD | |
4. Area Pabrik: 100-2500 m2; Nomer Buruh:3-4; | |
QTM10-15 Mobile Concrete Block Making Machine |
mesin pemblokiran QTM10-15 nggawe 10 bêsik 8 inch pemblokiran kothong saben gulung, iku bisa gawé macem-macem pamblokiran kothong, bricks ngalangi, wis multi fungsi lumampah elektrik, setir hydraulic, lan sistem cooling online otomatis; The vibration box is one whole casting unit, not welding, it is stronger and longer life than welding vibration box; |
Foto: | specifications: |
1. Mould bisa diganti, berongga, padat |
2. Capacity: 8 inch Block daily Capacity: 18000 pieces; | |
3. Range rega mesin lengkap: | |
4. Area Pabrik: 1000-2500 m2; Nomer Buruh:3-4; | |
QTM6-25 Mobile Concrete Block Making Machine |
QTM6-25 is a simple brick production line without pallets, it matched with PLD800 concrete batching machine, JS500 concrete mixer, makes concrete block on ground with high efficiency. Cetakan blok nggunakake metode pemotongan linear sing tepat lan perawatan panas karburasi kanggo ndawakake umur layanan; |
Foto: | specifications: |
1. Mould bisa diganti, berongga, padat |
2. Capacity: 8 inch Block daily Capacity: 6800 pieces; | |
3. lengkap Machine Line Range Price: 16000-31000USD | |
4. Area Pabrik: 1000-1500 m2; Nomer Buruh:3-4; | |
QTM4-40 Mobile Concrete Block Making Machine |
QTM4-40 is a Small mobile concrete block machine with hydraulic pressing, small investment suitable for new starters; its major vibration is mould vibration, together with hydraulic press, it makes good performance on the concrete blocks of its density and outlook ; |
Foto: | specifications: |
1. Mould bisa diganti, berongga, padat |
2. Capacity: 8 inch Block daily Capacity: 2880 pieces; | |
3. lengkap Machine Line Range Price: 3200-3500USD | |
4. Area Pabrik: 600-1000 m2; Nomer Buruh:3-4; | |
QTM4-45 Mobile Concrete Block Making Machine |
QTM4-45 mesin pemblokiran konkrit seluler nggunakake motor vibrator ing sirah penet lan pigura cetakan, nduweni struktur mesin sing prasaja nggampangake operate, ora perlu instalasi lan njaga. |
Foto: | specifications: |
1. Mould bisa diganti, berongga, padat |
2. Capacity: 8 inch Block daily Capacity: 1920 pieces; | |
3. lengkap Machine Line Range Price: 3000-3200USD | |
4. Area Pabrik: 600-1000 m2; Nomer Buruh:2-3; | |
QMY4-45 Diesel Mobile Concrete Block Nggawe Machine |
QMY4-45 is diesel engine concrete block machine designed for the projects that are in the area short of electricity or in rural area; Bisa dicocogake karo mixer beton diesel 350 movable, |
Foto: | specifications: |
1. Mould bisa diganti, berongga, padat |
2. Capacity: 8 inch Block daily Capacity: 1920 pieces; | |
3. lengkap Machine Line Range Price: 2800-3000USD | |
4. Area Pabrik: 600-1000 m2; Nomer Buruh:3-4; | |
QTM2-45 Diesel Mobile Concrete Block Making Machine |
QTM2-45 minangka mesin pemblokiran beton sing paling cilik, bisa nggawe 2 blok kothong saben cetakan, nanging mesin pemblokiran seluler iki uga bisa nggawe blok ukuran sing beda-beda, bata padhet. Iku cocok kanggo wong sing mbangun omah dhewe kanthi biaya sing murah. |
Foto: | specifications: |
1. Mould bisa diganti, berongga, padat |
2. Capacity: 8 inch Block daily Capacity: 920 pieces; | |
3. lengkap Machine Line Range Price: 800-1000USD | |
4. Area Pabrik: 600-1000 m2; Nomer Buruh:3-4; | |
HX-100 Concrete Culvert Channel Making Machine |
Mesin nggawe Saluran culvert beton seluler yaiku mesin pemblokiran seluler ukuran gedhe sing bisa nggawe produk beton ukuran gedhe ing lemah beton kanthi langsung, utamane digunakake kanggo proyek saluran banyu gedhe, konstruksi dhasar sipil. Ana model getaran motor vibrator listrik lan model press hidrolik; dhuwur produk beton normal ing ngisor 500mm, nanging tekan maksimum 700mm, kang kudu selaras; jembaré maksimum utawa diameteripun utama bisa tekan 1000mm; |
Foto: | specifications: |
1. Mould bisa diganti, berongga, padat |
2. Capacity: 8 inch Block daily Capacity: 80-1000 pieces; | |
3. lengkap Machine Line Range Price: 3800-4500USD | |
4. Area Pabrik: 600-1000 m2; Nomer Buruh:3-4; | |
5. Otomatis Clay Brick Machine
QT10-10 Otomatis Clay Brick Nggawe Machine |
The QT10-10 clay brick machine is using soil, mud, earth as raw materials, mainly producing various interlocking bricks, can make 10 pieces of 300*150*100mm bricks in 8-10 seconds per cycle; QT10-10 mesin bata lempung nggunakake 200 ton meksa hydraulic kanggo gawé Kapadhetan dhuwur interlocking bricks. Raytone company is adopting the most advanced linear cutting technology and heat treatment technology to ensure high quality block moulds. |
Foto: | specifications: |
1.Mould Changeable, Hollow, Solid, pressure: 100T 200T |
2. Capacity: 8 inch Block daily Capacity: 13600 piece per day; | |
3. lengkap Machine Line Range Price: 16000-35000USD | |
4. Area Pabrik: 600-1000 m2; Nomer Buruh:3-4; | |
QT7-10 Otomatis Clay Brick Nggawe Machine |
QT7-10 automatic soil interlocking brick machine is making 7 bricks per die, its hydraulic pressure is 100 tons, the pump model is plunger pump. Teknologi cetakan cetakan hidrolik arah vertikal diadopsi ing mesin bata iki, iki bisa njamin eksitasi konsentrasi ing cetakan bata, sing ora mung nggawe bata kanthi kapadhetan dhuwur, nanging uga nyuda gangguan mesin; This soil brick making machine can make different interlocking bricks as per market demand, moulds are changeable. |
Foto: | specifications: |
1.Mould Changeable, Hollow, Solid,pressure:100T |
2. Capacity: 8 inch Block daily Capacity: 11520 piece per day; | |
3. lengkap Machine Line Range Price: 13000-28000 USD | |
4. Area Pabrik: 600-1000 m2; Nomer Buruh:3-4; | |
QT4-10 Otomatis Clay Brick Nggawe Machine |
QT4-10 clay brick machine is using soil as main raw materials, can make various interlocking clay bricks, it is making by 10 seconds per cycle; its work principle is by hydraulic pressing, can give the bricks a high pressure, the bricks are of high density. There is options of 40 Ton pressure and 100 ton pressure of this QT4-10 brick machine model; this QT4-10 soil brick machine is using double oil cylinder structure, can give the bricks pressure evenly. |
Foto: | specifications: |
1.Mould Changeable, Hollow, Solid,pressure:40T, 100T |
2. Capacity: 8 inch Block daily Capacity: 9600 piece per day; | |
3. lengkap Machine Line Range Price: 8500-13000USD | |
4. Area Pabrik: 600-1000 m2; Nomer Buruh:3-4; | |
QT2-10 Otomatis Clay Brick Nggawe Machine |
QT2-10 is a cheap automatic soil brick making machine, makes 2 pieces per mould in 10 seconds. This machine adopted 100mm cylinder to give 30-50MPA pressure on clay bricks, double press up and down technology give a good performance of machine working quiet, high strength bricks. |
Foto: | specifications: |
1. Mould Changeable, Hollow, Solid, tekanan: 40T 100T |
2. Capacity: 8 inch Block daily Capacity: 5760 piece per day; | |
3. lengkap Machine Line Range Price: 7500-12000USD | |
4. Area Pabrik: 600-1000 m2; Nomer Buruh:3-4; | |
6.Manual Clay Brick Machine
M7MI TWIN Hydraform Clay Brick Making Machine |
M7MI TWIN hydraulic clay brick machine is of diesel engine as power, it has two work positions, and it is fixed on chassis with wheel, so it is movable; M7MI TWIN clay brick machine is mainly for interlocking bricks, all it moulds are via precise liner cutting and heat treatment of 900℃ carburizing with long life; Brick mould inside faces are smooth and hard, the produced bricks are of good outlook. |
Foto: | specifications: |
1.Mould Changeable, Hollow, Solid, |
2. Capacity: 8 inch Block daily Capacity: 4000piece per day; | |
3. lengkap Machine Line Range Price: 4500-6500USD | |
4. Area Pabrik: 300-500 m2; Nomer Buruh:3-4; | |
M7MI Hydraform Clay Brick Nggawe Machine |
M7MI diesel hydraform earth brick making machine is a hydraulic , one-operator, movable machine, the hopper can also be added as an option, used for feeding the soil into mixer; The interlock brick moulds are also changeable, brick forming time is 15-20 seconds; |
Foto: | specifications: |
1.Mould Changeable, Hollow, Solid, |
2. Capacity: 8 inch Block daily Capacity: 2000piece per day; | |
3. lengkap Machine Line Range Price: 5000-6000USD | |
4. Area Pabrik: 300 m2; Nomer Buruh: 2-3; | |
QTS2-25 Hydraulic Clay Brick Nggawe Machine |
QTS2-25 Hydraulic interlocking brick making machine is a manual block machine of diesel engine or electric motor, its pressure can reach 3 tons, it makes 2 pieces of interlocking brick per mould. QTS2-25 hydraulic clay brick machine is matching with 350L soil mixer and a 4 meter length belt conveying machine. |
Foto: | specifications: |
1.Mould Changeable, Hollow, Solid, |
2. Capacity: 8 inch Block daily Capacity: 2880piece per day; | |
3. lengkap Machine Line Range Price: 2500-4500USD | |
4. Area Pabrik: 300 m2; Nomer Buruh: 2; | |
QTS2-40 manual Clay Brick Making Machine |
Mesin bata lempung manual QTS2-40 minangka mesin bata lemah sing paling gampang, ora butuh tenaga, bata dibentuk kanthi tenaga kerja. Iki dirancang kanggo tujuan omah kanggo mbangun omah. |
Foto: | specifications: |
1.Mould Changeable, Hollow, Solid, |
2. Capacity: 8 inch Block daily Capacity: 1920piece per day; | |
3. lengkap Machine Line Range Price: 800-1000USD | |
4. Area Pabrik: 100 m2; Nomer Buruh: 1-2; | |